Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology, 11th Edition

Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology has been the premier text in the field of gynecologic surgery for more than 60 years. This text covers all of the aspects of gynecologic surgery – from the most general topics of surgical ethics to instruction on detailed surgical procedures. General background/pathology for surgical problems is covered as are patient/treatment selection, step-by-step surgical techniques and post-operative concerns.

The audience is surgeons and residents. The authors are some of the best in the field. The book is comprehensive with step-by-step instructions on how to complete a procedure. It is easily divided into subsections that reflect the subspecialization in the field. Reproductive endocrinology and infertility, oncology, and obstetrics all have ample discussions of problems and surgical techniques for treatment. The obstetrics section covers the physiological differences between the pregnant and nonpregnant state and appropriately identifies the surgical challenges. There is a nice inclusion of evidence-based medicine with frequent references to current literature. The authors use cartoon images instead of real-life pictures and the impact is striking. It allows for easier comprehension of the surgical procedure. This was a core textbook during my training, and this edition adds to its legacy. Comprehensive with excellent images, it is a must-have for any surgeon in gynecology.

Reviewed by Anthony Shanks,  MD  (Washington University School of Medicine) on behalf of Doody’s Review Service)

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