Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine, 8th Edition, 2 Volume set


Title: Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine, Eighth Edition, 2 Volume set Volume:
Author(s): Lowell Goldsmith, Stephen Katz, Barbara Gilchrest, Amy Paller, David Leffell, Klaus Wolff
Series: Periodical:
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional City:
Year: 2012 Edition: 8
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 3190\3190
ISBN: 0071669043, 9780071669047 ID: 1206810
Time added: 2014-09-06 08:36:36 Time modified: 2019-12-21 21:23:21
Library: Library issue: 0
Size: 277 MB (290056526 bytes) Extension: pdf

The landmark dermatology text that bridges the gap between science and clinical medicine—updated for today’s practice

Generations of clinicians, skin biologists, residents, and educators have acclaimed Fitzpatrick’s as the most authoritative and complete guide to dermatologic basic sciences, histopathology, diagnosis, and treatment. Edition after edition, it reflects the latest insights into skin diseases and skin biology—and their practical relevance to general internal medicine—while covering the scientific foundations of the specialty.

This classic yet cutting-edge text is supported by the expert insights of more than 500 internationally respected contributors, and it covers everything dermatologists need to know about skin, dermatologic signs of underlying disease, and the management of all skin diseases, including acne, skin cancer, and psoriasis.

FEATURES More than 3000 full-color photographs DVD with image bank includes downloadable figures from the text New illustration style makes difficult concepts easier to understand Therapeutic ladders with first, second, and third line therapies New or thoroughly revised chapters on Psoriasis; Skin disease in immunosuppressed patients; Epidermal stem cells; Hair growth disorders; Neonatal, pediatric, and adolescent dermatology; Radiotherapy; Immunobiologicals and cytokines; Lasers for rejuvenation Expanded medical and surgical therapeutics sections guide you through all treatment options

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