Avery’s Neonatology: Pathophysiology and Management of the Newborn, 7th Edition
Manage newborns effectively through an accurate understanding of their pathophysiology with Avery’s Neonatology! Originally authored by Dr. Gordon B. Avery, a founding father of the specialty, this respected neonatology reference is…
Pocket Orthopaedic Surgery (Pocket Notebook Series), 1st Edition
Pocket Orthopaedics is your go-to resource for the essential orthopaedic information you need in a high-yield, easy-to-use format. Concise and well organized, it provides must-know information on the pathophysiology, diagnostic…
Minor Emergencies, 3rd Edition
2013 BMA Medical Book Awards 1st Prize Award Winner in Surgery! Minor Emergencies gives you the practical how-tos you need to handle a wide range of non-life-threatening medical crises with speed and expertise. Completely updated with…
Obstetric Intensive Care Manual, Third Edition
A unique quick-reference guide focusing on the practical bedside care of the critically ill pregnant patient "Now, in this third edition of the Obstetric Intensive Care Manual, Dr. Mike Foley and his colleagues have answered our…
Rang & Dale’s Pharmacology Flash Cards, 1st Edition
Review what you learn in class and reinforce essential drug information. Using generic drug names, Rang & Dale's Pharmacology Flash Cards cover the actions, mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetic aspects, clinical uses and adverse…
Symptom to Diagnosis An Evidence Based Guide, 3rd Edition
Learn the diagnostic process in internal medicine with this engaging, case-based approach
Symptom to Diagnosis teaches you an evidence-based, step-by-step process for evaluating, diagnosing, and treating patients based on their…
Caffey’s Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 13th Edition
For more than 70 years, Caffey’s Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging has been the comprehensive, go-to reference that radiologists have relied upon for dependable coverage of all aspects of pediatric imaging. In the 13th Edition, Dr. Brian Coley…
Manual of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 5th Edition
Ideal for all health care professionals who evaluate, diagnose, treat, or refer patients with endocrine disease or disorders, Manual of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Fifth Edition, brings together nearly 150 global authorities who share…
Gabbe’s Obstetrics Essentials: Normal & Problem Pregnancies, 1st Edition
Ideal for residents, fellows in training, and obstetric practitioners who need a quick review in practice, Gabbe’s Obstetrics Essentials is a portable, high-yield reference designed to put must-know obstetric information at your…
Brant and Helms’ Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology, 5th Edition
Trusted by radiology residents, interns, and students for more than 20 years, Brant and Helms’ Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology, 5th Edition delivers essential information on current imaging modalities and the clinical application…