The Columbia Guide to Basic Elements of Eye Care: A Manual for Healthcare Professionals
Title: The Columbia Guide to Basic Elements of Eye Care: A Manual for Healthcare Professionals Volume:
Author(s): Daniel S. Casper, George A. Cioffi,
Series: Periodical:
Publisher: Springer City:
Year: 2019 Edition:
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 519\519
ISBN: 9783030108854 ID: 2385679
Time added: 2019-07-01 18:01:04 Time modified: 2019-12-21 21:23:21
Library: Library issue: 0
Size: 46 MB (48569245 bytes) Extension: pdf
Provides the healthcare physician with an accessible summary of ophthalmic disease and problems, which are frequently seen in everyday practice
Chapters include descriptions of testing and examination procedures unique to ophthalmology, succinct tables and charts within each section, and a summary of the most common ocular diseases and management protocols, including referral guidelines and expected frequency of follow-up for each disorder
Includes high-quality illustrations
Presents a clear, understandable explanation of basic eye anatomy, physiology, disease and treatment for those non-ophthalmic practitioners or students seeking have facility in this area
This unique resource is a practical, easy-to-use guide for the non-ophthalmologist healthcare provider as they encounter patients with eye complaints and other concerning ophthalmic conditions. The Columbia Guide to Basic Elements of Eye Care is specifically designed with the non-ophthalmologist in mind, and provides a foundation of basic eye anatomy and physiology, functional analysis, pathology, and concepts in eye care.
Each chapter delivers an accessible summary of various ophthalmic diseases and conditions, all of which are frequently encountered in everyday practice. These chapters provide in-depth discussions on a wide range of topics, from testing and examination procedures to management protocols, referral guidelines and expected frequency of follow-up for each disorder. Complete with hundreds of high-quality, descriptive illustrations and clinical photographs, The Columbia Guide to Basic Elements of Eye Care presents clear, understandable explanations of basic eye anatomy, physiology, disease and treatment for non-ophthalmic practitioners and students. In doing so, this guide provides a framework for determining the normal versus the abnormal, helping the reader recognize which patients require referral, and identify which conditions are developing, require urgent treatment, or can be routinely followed. Non-ophthalmologist healthcare providers and students alike will find this book, written by leaders in the field, a practical resource to consult as they encounter patients with treatable but potentially sight-threatening conditions.