Lecture Notes on General Medicine for Dental Practice



Title: Lecture Notes on General Medicine for Dental Practice Volume:
Author(s): S. R. PRABHU
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers City:
Year: 2014 Edition:
Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 307\307
ISBN: ID: 2340457
Time added: 2019-03-10 11:26:39 Time modified: 2019-12-21 21:23:21
Library: Library issue: 0
Size: 4 MB (4199046 bytes) Extension: pdf

Contents……Page 7
Preface……Page 9
About the Author……Page 11
Advisors……Page 13
Introduction……Page 15
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data……Page 6
What Is Differential Diagnosis?……Page 16
Meeting the Patient……Page 17
The Presenting Complaint and Its History……Page 18
General Medical History……Page 19
Ensure That You Ask About……Page 20
Drug History……Page 21
Systems Enquiry……Page 22
Cardiovascular System Review……Page 23
Urinary System Review……Page 24
Nervous system……Page 25
Endocrine and Immune Systems Review……Page 26
Introduction……Page 29
Preparation of the Clinical Setting……Page 30
Pulse Rate and Rhythm……Page 31
Examination of the Face, Eyes and Mouth……Page 33
Inspection of the Thorax……Page 34
Inspection of Upper and Lower Limbs……Page 35
Introduction……Page 37
Headache……Page 41
Shortness of breath, or breathlessness (dyspnoea)……Page 43
Constipation……Page 44
Blood in the urine (haematuria)……Page 45
Hearing loss……Page 46
Vomiting of blood (haematemesis)……Page 47
Introduction……Page 49
Bacterial Infections……Page 50
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 52
Oral Manifestations……Page 57
Viral Infections……Page 60
Symptoms and Signs:……Page 68
Fungal Infections……Page 70
Diseases Caused by Protozoa……Page 73
Helminthic Diseases……Page 74
Introduction……Page 75
Common Gastrointestinal Symptoms……Page 76
Examination of the Gastrointestinal System and Abdominal Contents……Page 77
Auscultation……Page 78
Palpation……Page 79
Palpation of the Kidneys……Page 80
Investigations in Gastroenterology……Page 81
1) Stomatitis……Page 82
Diagnosis and Investigations……Page 86
Erosions/Ulcers of Uncertain Aetiology or Immunologic Background……Page 87
Oral Lesions in Pemphigus Vulgaris……Page 88
Oral Ulcers Due to Bacterial Infections……Page 89
Ulcers Due to Viral Infections……Page 90
Oral Ulcers Due to Systemic Disorders……Page 91
Gingival swellings……Page 92
Localised Gingival Swellings……Page 93
Generalised Gingival Swellings……Page 95
Diseases and Disorders of the Oesophagus, Stomach and the Intestines……Page 97
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 98
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 102
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 103
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 104
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 107
Introduction……Page 109
General Signs and Symptoms of Liver Disease……Page 110
Investigations in Liver Disease……Page 111
Hepatitis B virus infection……Page 112
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 113
Classification of ALD……Page 114
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 115
Oral manifestations and dental management considerations……Page 116
Diseases of the Pancreas……Page 117
Other Topics of Dental Interest……Page 118
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 120
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 121
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 122
Common Cardiovascular Symptoms……Page 123
Relieving Factors……Page 124
Methods……Page 125
Method……Page 126
Inspection……Page 127
Altered heart sounds……Page 128
Common Investigations in Cardiology……Page 129
Ischaemic Heart Disease……Page 130
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 131
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 132
Cardiac arrhythmias……Page 133
Valvular Heart Disease……Page 134
Oral Manifestations and Oral Relevance of Valvular Disorders……Page 135
Congenital Heart Disease……Page 136
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 137
Infective Endocarditis……Page 138
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 139
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 140
Common Symptoms of Respiratory Diseases……Page 143
General Observation……Page 144
Percussion of the Chest Wall……Page 145
Auscultation for Respiratory Sounds……Page 146
Common Investigations in Respiratory Diseases……Page 147
Respiratory Diseases of Dental Interest……Page 148
Dental Management Considerations for Asthma……Page 150
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations in COPD……Page 151
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations in Pulmonary TB……Page 154
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 155
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 156
Symptoms and Signs……Page 157
Common Symptoms of Renal Disease……Page 159
Renal Diseases of Dental Interest……Page 160
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 163
Common Symptoms in Endocrine Diseases……Page 165
Diseases of the Parathyroid Gland……Page 166
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 167
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 168
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 169
Oral Manifestations and Dental Relevance……Page 170
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 171
Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism……Page 172
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 173
Introduction……Page 175
Common Symptoms of the Nervous System Disorders……Page 177
Examination and Assessment of the Cranial Nerves and Their Functions……Page 178
Sensory function……Page 179
 Hypoglossal (Twelfth Cranial) Nerve……Page 180
Neurological Diseases of Dental Interest……Page 181
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 183
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 185
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 186
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 187
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 188
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 189
Symptoms and signs: Oral manifestations……Page 191
Examination of a Comatose Patient……Page 192
Common Symptoms in Haematological Disorders……Page 195
Haematological Diseases of Dental Interest……Page 196
Haemoglobinopathies……Page 198
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 199
Bleeding and Clotting Disorders……Page 200
Haemophilia A……Page 201
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 202
2. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)……Page 203
4. Chronic myeloid (myelogenous) leukaemia (CML)……Page 204
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 205
Introduction……Page 206
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 208
Evaluation of Lymphadenopathy……Page 210
Common Symptoms of Immune Disorders……Page 211
1. Hypersensitivity reactions……Page 212
Oral and Maxillofacial Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 213
Symptoms and Signs Including Oral Manifestations……Page 214
2. Autoimmune disorders……Page 215
Secondary (acquired) immunodeficiency diseases……Page 218
Common Symptoms of the Musculoskeletal and Joint Disease……Page 221
Diseases of Muscle, Bone and Joints of Dental Interest……Page 222
Oral and Maxillofacial Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 223
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 224
Oral and Maxillofacial Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 225
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 226
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 227
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 228
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 229
Common Symptoms of Skin Diseases……Page 231
Investigations in Dermatology……Page 232
 Atopic dermatitis (AD)……Page 233
 Skin cancer……Page 234
 Dermatitis herpetiformis……Page 235
 Shingles (Herpes zoster)……Page 236
 Warts (Verruca vulgaris)……Page 237
 Psoriasis……Page 238
 Erythema multiforme……Page 239
Introduction……Page 241
Eye Disorders of Dental Interest……Page 242
ENT Diseases of Dental Interest……Page 245
Introduction……Page 249
Psychiatric Disorders of Dental Interest……Page 250
Other Related Disorders of Dental Interest……Page 252
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations in Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders……Page 254
Common Symptoms and Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies……Page 255
Nutritional Disorders of Dental Interest……Page 256
 Folate (folic acid)……Page 257
 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)……Page 258
 Vitamin A (retinol)……Page 259
A healthy diet……Page 260
Common Gynaecological Symptoms……Page 261
Common Gynaecological Investigations……Page 262
Common Symptoms during Pregnancy……Page 263
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 264
Dental Management Considerations……Page 265
Management considerations……Page 266
Oral Manifestations and Dental Management Considerations……Page 267
Introduction……Page 269
Before Organ Transplantation……Page 272
Oral Manifestations in Transplant Patients……Page 273
 Dental management of patients taking HIV medication……Page 275
Oral Manifestations of Substance Abuse……Page 276
 Dental management of patients on renal dialysis……Page 277
Dental Clinic Preparedness……Page 279
Other:……Page 281
Management of Syncope: (this also applies to orthostatic hypotension)……Page 282
1. Angina……Page 283
1. Asthma attack/Bronchospasm……Page 284
3. Airway obstruction……Page 285
Urticaria……Page 286
Angioedema……Page 287
Seizures……Page 288
When to start CPR?……Page 289
Duration of CPR……Page 290
Risks……Page 291
Appendix 1…….Page 293
Recommended Further Reading……Page 297
References……Page 299
Other Sources Consulted……Page 300
Index……Page 303




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